Self Esteem

Do you often struggle with feeling not good enough?

Are you afraid to put yourself out there for fear of failure and rejection?

Do you often feel like you can’t stand up for yourself with other people?

If so, you are not alone. Self-esteem has a lot to do with the way in which you value and respect yourself. It speaks to the mental image that we have of ourselves, our sense of self-worth, and our levels of confidence. This means that, while others can see your inner beauty, you often experience self-doubt and wonder what value you bring to others. 

You have value by being you.

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." - Buddha

Often individuals with low self-esteem report feeling as though they are not important, no one loves them and can often feel as though their life has little meaning despite evidence to the contrary. Poor self-esteem is most often associated with a lack of confidence and an inability to assert one’s self and effectively express feelings. Some of the potential signs of poor self-esteem may include:

  • Apologizing often (feeling as though everything that goes wrong is your fault)
  • Feeling unworthy when good things happen to you
  • Checking your phone when you’re left alone in a social setting rather than mingling or socializing with others
  • Struggling to make simple decisions like picking a place to eat and relying on others to make choices for you
  • Isolating yourself or withdrawing from social interaction
  • You focus a lot on your problems rather than finding the good in your life
  • Physical signs i.e. (excessive sleeping, headaches and feeling tired all the time)

If you can relate to any of these signs then we want you to know that you can reclaim your Confidence! Together we will work to explore some of the underlying issues that have led to feelings of low self-esteem and examine those events that trigger a sense of loneliness, poor self-image, and feelings of not being enough.

You will learn to become more assertive, communicate effectively and UNAPOLOGETICALLY express your opinions and feelings without feeling bad about it. 

Take the first step towards finding your voice and loving yourself. Contact us today to talk about how we can help!
Smiling African American woman wearing a yellow shirt standing outside and hugging herself. Learn to embrace your mental health with affordable care by using sliding scale therapy in Macon, GA.

Getting Started

Step One: Schedule a consultation

Click get started to schedule a consultation.

Step Two: Free 15 Minute Chat

We will call you for your free 15 minute consultation.

Step Three: Schedule an Appointment

After your consultation, you or your child will be scheduled for an appointment.

Step Four: Welcome!

Your visit to The Comfy Place will be the first step on the path to feeling better!