Getting Started

Scheduling with The Comfy Place

For any questions about counseling or to schedule your first counseling session, you can call our office at 404-594-1513. When you speak with our care coordinator, we will hear you out to explore how we can help. We will match you with the TCP counselor who we think may be the best fit for your needs, as well as schedule your intake session with that counselor. 

OR you can schedule a time for us to call you. Click below to schedule your phone consultation. What to expect in that phone call:

  • We will call you at your consultation time. (Please give yourself 10-15 minutes to talk.) 
  • We will ask for a brief summary of what is going on to explore how we can help. 
  • We may request your insurance information (if applicable).
  • We will schedule you for an intake session with a TCP counselor.

The goal of the phone call is to assess your needs and match you with the best counselor for your or your child’s needs.

Knowing what type of service, or what type of counseling you or your child needs can be hard. We at The Comfy Place want to help you find what services best fit you. If we are not the best fit or the right service, we will recommend someone who is.

We are an outpatient counseling office, that means we offer counseling services weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. We do not offer emergency services or walk-in appointments. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911 or go to the hospital of your choice. 

Counselors at The Comfy Place offer standard business hours, as well as night and weekend hours. Each counselor manages their own schedule and are in the office at different times. Let us know what days, nights, or weekend times work best for you or your family and we can match you with a counselor that shares that schedule.

First Time Coming to Our Office

Before your first appointment you will be emailed a link to your client portal where you can complete your counseling intake paperwork. In your first appointment, you and your counselor will review the intake paperwork, as well as discuss what you hope to accomplish, identify goals, and make a plan for counseling. We are here to serve you and help you meet your goals. 

What to Expect: For Adults

During your first session you will establish a trusting relationship with your counselor, explore the history of your struggle, and create goals that will guide your journey. It is important to have a good fit so you can feel safe and vulnerable with your counselor. 

What to Expect: For Children

During the first session you and your child will establish a trusting relationship with your counselor, explore the history of the presenting issue, and create goals that will guide your childs’ journey.

The intake process consists of:

  1. Parent intake (Review of intake paperwork and company policies; child and parent present)
  2. Child intake (If time remains in the session, counselor and child will meet alone to build rapport and assess current needs.)
*Please note if time runs out during the intake session, the next session will be with the therapist and child to ensure it is a good fit.

What to Expect: For Couples and Families

During your first session you will establish a trusting relationship with your counselor, explore the history of your struggle, and create goals that will guide your journey. It is important to have a good fit so you can feel safe and vulnerable with your counselor.

For couple’s and/or family therapy, the first session is with the couple or family together. 

Ongoing Therapy

The length of treatment is determined by the goals set and the complexity of issues presented. At times only a few sessions are required, while in other situations a long term counseling relationship is needed. As counselors, it is our job to work ourselves out of a job. Our goal is to help you and your family reach maximum healing. We meet you where you are, follow the goals you create, and assist you on your journey to becoming a healthier and happier version of you! 

Getting Started

Step One: Schedule a consultation

Click get started to schedule a consultation.

Step Two: Free 15 Minute Chat

We will call you for your free 15 minute consultation.

Step Three: Schedule an Appointment

After your consultation, you or your child will be scheduled for an appointment.

Step Four: Welcome!

Your visit to The Comfy Place will be the first step on the path to feeling better!